Motivation Institute

Motivation Institute

Text and Image Credits


Text Credits

Texts on this site are copyright-owned by Stichting ‘Institute for Studies in Motivation and Development of Human Potential’, Leiden, The Netherlands, referred to in short as ‘Motivation Institute’.

In no form has AI been used in producing these texts. We trust that our creative talents are such that we politely reject any assistance on the subject of Motivation.

Image Credits

Images of 17th century pocket watch on home page and pages ‘Wat wij doen’, ‘voor Wie’, and ‘en Waarom’ are professionally designed and rendered by Kinomaster through Dreamstime: © Kinomaster |

Images on pages ‘Wat is Motivatie’ and ‘de Taal van Coping’ are by Evitte83 through Dreamstime: © Evitte83 |

For reasons of privacy (a number of) images on pages ‘Workshops’, ‘Trainingen’ and ‘Interviews’ (with exception of PM Interview-pages and Nathanïels Interview-pages) have been provided through Pixabay: ©  |

Images on pages ‘Wie wij zijn’, ‘Presentaties’, ‘Workshops’, ‘Interviews’ (notably PM Interview-pages and Nathanïels Interview-pages) and ‘Metingen’  are all copyright-owned by Stichting Institute for Studies in Motivation and Development of Human Potential, Leiden, The Netherlands, referred to in short as ‘Motivation Institute’. 

Images used in posts are separately credited on each post page.

To the best of our knowledge all other images were found to be license-free images.

Copyright Notice

Stichting ‘The Institute for Studies in Motivation and Development Of Human Potential’, or ‘Motivation Institute’ for short, is committed to protecting copyright and related rights wherever possible.

All images and other content on this site are copyright Motivation Institute, unless otherwise stated. Where images and other content have copyright belonging to other individuals or organizations, this is clearly stated on our website.

The Motivation Institute has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that images and other content on the website are reproduced with consent of their copyright holders.

Please contact us at Motivation Institute if you are the owner of the copyright or related rights in any of the content on this website, and you believe that the content may be subject to a third-party ownership or another legal claim, or you believe that use of this content infringes your intellectual property or any other rights. The Motivation Institute will take down the content from its website upon receipt of your written objection and our initial verification of your complaint, while the matter is investigated.

To this end you need to include the following information in your written objection:

  • Your name, email address and phone number
  • The website address where you found the work
  • The nature of the complaint
  • A statement that you are the copyright holder or are authorized to act on behalf of the rights holder

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